Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Very frustrated

Okay, today is January 20. New doctor, finally got tests done this week. Strength and function still nowhere close to where it should be. Now I'm looking at a surgery and more therapy or just do therapy and see how much longer it takes to get my hand fully functional. In three days, it will have been 4 MONTHS since the injury. The doctor said that if I wanted to just do therapy, I could do it a month and then see where I am. After all, he said, it's only another month. He's a freaking hand surgeon-how fast do you think he would get his hand fixed if he injured it? Besides, it won't be a month-it's already been three and I'm not even 50 % of my non-dominant yet. More like 2, even with surgery.

So the doctor has to jump through the hoops that the insurance company holds out for him. I basically have no say so as far as what I can do at work-so I guess I'm expected to go to work and do things that cause pain? Maybe if I don't do those things I would actually get well?

This whole experience and turned me off of our so called medical system even more. I can no longer defend a system that is profit driven yet so incredibly inefficient. Does someone in New Jersey really need to contact a facility in Marietta, GA to make me an appointment for a test? No-I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. Supposedly, they negotiate lower fees, but then by the time the insurance pays the third party for their service, wouldn't it cost the same? Let's just see how many people can make money off of my injury, while my treatment gets dragged out and I am highly inconvenienced with going to therapy on my days off, not being able to do all that I normally do. I am really enjoying being a pawn in the profit-making game known as the medical industry. Overall, it's doing a bang-up job; just not at doing what it's supposed to do.

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